Electronic Cigarettes In The UK

Alternatives to Smoking

Everyone knows the health risks associated with smoking and the increased risk of getting cancer. Dying from cancer is far more likely if you smoke cigarettes. All over the world, the tobacco industry has significant political influence.

The Government, Politicians and Future Legislation

The UK government needs the cigarette duty, which in 2011-12 was a little over £12 billion. Pushing smokers to stop would be very costly for the country. Alcohol is similar in that it raises billions in duty while being harmful to users.

Electronic cigarette safety has been questioned in recent press reports. In the UK, less than 200 people die each year in work related accidents, and yet we have extensive health and safety legislation to protect them, yet 100,000 people die annually from smoking related diseases but they are still legal.

The £12.1 billion raised from tobacco duty would have to be found elsewhere if all smokers quit tomorrow. It appears that the government will only protect people if it suits their finances.

Electronic Cigarette Regulation

At some point, if enough smokers switch to vaporizer devices, the government will need to regulate them so that they can impose duty on e-liquid.

Regulation will lead to the industry being dominated by the same companies that already control much of the smoking cessation industry. If the government regulates e-cigarettes, it will be to protect their finances rather than to protect the public. Lost tobacco duty revenues could be recovered by regulation of e-cigarettes, allowing them to be taxed.

Competitors to Electronic Cigarettes

Increased e-cigarette usage will mainly affect both the tobacco and the smoking cessation markets. E-cigarettes give the user a satisfying inhalation hit of nicotine unlike patches and gum. Tobacco companies can’t really campaign against electronic cigarettes on health grounds because their products are proven to be dangerous.

Even though the tobacco industry don’t want to see e-cigarettes take their customers away, it is difficult for them to argue against electronic nicotine delivery devices on healthy based grounds. The smoking cessation industry has been the driving force behind the negative press given to e-cigarettes, possibly being supported in some quarters by sections of the tobacco industry.

Potential Government Legislation

The introduction of tax on e-cigarettes and e-liquid will offset some of the duty lost by smokers making the switch, but it is unlikely that e-liquid would be taxed to the same onerous levels as tobacco.

All the ingredients necessary to make e-liquid are readily available so anyone can easily make their own e-juice without having to buy regulated e-liquid that has duty on it. Regulated manufacturers of e-liquid will no doubt do all they can to warn us of the dangers of making our own e-liquid.

Most under the counter cigarettes sold in the UK are genuine cigarettes that have been smuggled rather than counterfeit products. Saying they were dangerous fakes suited the government’s stance.

It is probable that e-cigarettes will be regulated to one degree or another before the end of 2014. Being able to tax e-liquid and electronic smoking devices is the only way that they will be allowed to continue to be sold in the longer term.

If our politicians can’t see an effective means to tax e-cigarettes, it’s highly likely that they will be banned on spurious health grounds. Regulation will allow governments to protect their current income from cigarette duty.

Regulation is going to become necessary because e-cigarettes have the potential to significantly reduce the tobacco tax revenue the Government receives annually. You can reduce your contribution too but shopping for an electronic vaporizer at www.ilovevapour.com

Our conclusion therefore must be that before long electronic cigarette devices will face governmental regulation and taxation to some degree.